Redefining the digital world with the most astounding web designs created by
highly trained
Websitetrove is committed to providing you with a secure customer service. We have secured your information and set some standards to act on it under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1998.
Below is some information on how Websitetrove will secure your data and how much data will be required to finish a project.
We often ask for some basic information when we affiliate with a client for a potential project. The team provides a form that will help in the collecting the information, which usually includes,
Secondly, upon completion of the form and getting affiliated by Websitetrove we would require some additional information that is;
It is essential for a customer to know how their information is being used. The IP address may be used for debugging and forensic reasons on our servers, as well as to verify your business name, if you are browsing the website from a business's network location.
In order to react to queries, we will utilize your name and other contact information.
There are a set of rules for different sets of information, for example;